Doctor visit…

Well today was my first 3-Month visit to the cancer Doc. I guess for a visit to an oncologist, the visit went as well as can be expected.

The good news is that the Doc said if my numbers continue to look good, we might be able to take a break from the injections. Now that sounds very good to me. These injections are starting to wear on me.

The other good news was that my PSA number is 0.21. If you don’t know about PSA numbers, you want a number below 4. When I was first diagnosed with cancer, my number was 27.99. One funny thing about my number. When we started these injections the goal was to get my number to 0. When I went for blood work after a few injections I was told no one gets to 0 and anything less than one is returned as undetectable.

So now every time I have blood work, I tell the tech that I’m looking for that mythical 0 number and they record the actual number rather than say it was undetectable.

Next scheduled injection is August 15. With a bit of luck that will be the last before we take a break…